Rumour – O2 to be exclusive UK network for the Palm Pre?
In this day and age, it’s hard to find a smartphone out there that isn’t a network-exclusive. O2 have the iPhone, T-Mobile have got the G1, Vodafone have the Blackberry Storm (and quite frankly, I’m...
View ArticleNew pictures of Sony Ericsson Idou reinforce how gorgeous it is
There are days, there really are, when I want to punch Sony Ericsson. Here’s me, not three months into my current contract, and what do they go and do? Announce a phone that’s the best thing since...
View ArticleThree new Nokia phones aim to bring music into your life
Nokia are really getting into their music nowadays. Not only have you got the Ovi Portal and Comes With Music promising to bring music direct to your phone, but now there’s 3 new phones dedicated to...
View ArticleNokia break into song to promote Comes With Music
Ah, it’s always nice to see completely silly marketing ideas doing rounds, and Nokia seem to have done a few of them to promote their Comes With Music service. First off there were the Nokia park...
View ArticleRumours – Nokia 5900 Xpress on the way?
The Nokia 5800 was, any way you look at it, a pretty successful phone. Users tend to love it, they’ve sold an absolute shedload of ’em, and it even got a starring role (some say out-acting Christian...
View ArticleNokia looking to corner the market on cheap smartphones
With their Nseries of phones, Nokia were once the darlings of the smartphone world. Nowadays, though, despite the awesome power of the Nokia N97, they’ve slipped somewhat, compared to new upstarts like...
View ArticleSymbian phones get the next version of Flash
The internet on your mobile phone is more massive than ever, with browsers like Safari and Opera Mobile bringing an incredible experience to users. But there’s still one thing a lot of phones lack....
View ArticleIs the Nokia 5900 about to be announced?
Ooh, exciting rumour time, in what is also the second music phone post of today, in honour of the great, and recently passed on, Les Paul. According to Engadget Mobile (I’m using that link, since the...
View ArticleWe have an iPod winner!
Stop press. We are pleased to announce the first winner in the competition to win a brand new iPod. MobileShop has been inviting people to leave reviews on their phone and enter a prize draw to win...
View ArticleNokia’s Comes With Music becomes Ovi Music Unlimited
Nokia is to rebrand its free music service Comes With Music as Ovi Music Unlimited in a bid to breathe new life into the service. The decision follows failed attempts to compete with iTunes with its...
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